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Zen Note: The self-organizing notebook



Zen Note is a self-organizing notebook that lets you capture new ideas and information in the moment and then organizes it for you automatically, seamlessly merging similar notes, adding tags, and linking notes together.

What is the core problem you are solving?

There's a tension between 1) capturing new info and ideas throughout the day and 2) keeping it all organized and 3) synthesizing it into new connections and insights. Zen Note is the first app ever that lets users focus purely on ONE and takes of TWO and THREE for them automatically using AI.

What is your company's solution? Please describe your product or business and what it does / will do.

Zen Note has a multi-faceted solution: when a user enters a new note, Zen Note first checks for any notes that are very similar. If a note is similar enough, it will merge the new note into the existing note and de-duplicate any overlapping info while weaving the new note into the style and formatting of the existing note. Otherwise, it will automatically tag the note with topics and keywords. There are a few upcoming features that take it even further: 1) Zen Note will automatically link notes together by inserting new text that mentions a related note and links to it, and 2) notes can be published so that anyone can view them or link to them from their notes 3) automatically structure tags into a hierarchy 4) users can save a semantic search and return to it anytime to see always up to date results of what notes match it

Founding story

I'm a software engineer who has worked at companies ranging from Best Buy to Twitter. I love taking notes, but I can never keep them organized. This led me to try to solve the problem myself. As a longtime student of machine learning, I've followed the advancements in natural language processing over the years, and have built against OpenAI's offerings for several years now since it offers me the capabilities I need to solve the difficult problems Zen Note focuses on. I'm passionate about this problem space and have gone through countless iterations and experiments. And I don't plan to stop anytime soon!

Company stage

Live, starting with a few clients

Have you raised money for your company?

No, I'm using my own savings

Call to actions, questions or suggestions for anyone reading this article?

Please check out Zen Note and join the waitlist to stay informed of new launches or even help me out by being a beta user! You can also feel free to reach me at or connect on LinkedIn.

How has Firstbase helped you and how can we improve?

It was super easy to get rolling with Firstbase. Easy to create a C Corp and set up everything I need. I will say I was a little disappointed in the transparency of pricing because every little thing felt like an add-on and the cost adds up. It's like you get through the initial set up so fast but then you hit countless unexpected speed bumps where you have to decide if you want to add X feature for $X / month.

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