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FirstFounders: Partnering with early-stage founders to build, fund, and scale startups


#blackfounded #venturebuilder


We are driven by a mission to build, fund and scale an active community of founders with startups that are capable of becoming unicorns and this is because we understand how difficult it is to move from idea to product and from product to market-fit. This is why we are your FirstFounders.

What is the core problem you are solving?

Over 500,000 African founders at the bottom of the pyramid find it difficult to migrate from idea to product and from product to market-fit, so we are building an ecosystem venture studio that bridges that gap.

What is your company's solution? Please describe your product or business and what it does / will do.

We are building a SAAS driven venture studio that enables early stage founders to build and access funding for their startups.

Founding story

Having failed at multiple businesses, interfaced with hundreds of other entrepreneurs, I found the common denominator of failure and that is a space for founders to find security in pursuing their grandeur dreams of transforming Africa; where they can build, bank, get advisory and access funding. If i had all these in one place in the course of my journey, I would have been sitting right next to Mark Zuckerberg now. This is the inspiration, the backstory why we are creating this product

Company stage

Live, with a lot of clients/users - Working on scale

Have you raised money for your company?

No, I’m using my own savings

Call to actions, questions or suggestions for anyone reading this article?

If you have an idea and worry about how to go from idea to product up until exit, FirstFounders is your partner ready to build with you. Shoot me an email: or follow us on twitter, @firstfounderscc

How has Firstbase helped you and how can we improve?

Firstbase helped me to register in Delaware and this has made us more active in planning our market expansion.

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