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Business Name Search In Delaware

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Find available names for LLC and Corporation in Delaware

We search across US state registries with the most recent
information available to provide accurate results.



Type in the business name you want and we'll tell you if it's available.



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Incorporate your company with the name of your choice, all in one place.

How to choose the right business name in Delaware

Having a great business name is a big step in your company’s journey.
Below are some tips to help ensure your desired business name is available.

1. Avoid common words such as "computers"

Using generic words will increase the chance of having similarities with other companies' names, which might end up in a rejection by your state of choice. Having an unique name, together with a highly detailed description of your business, will significantly increase your chances of getting approved.

2. Try a name with two or more words

Both Delaware and Wyoming have thousands of registered companies, so there is a high chance that the one-word name that you chose is already taken. Picking two or more words will greatly increase your odds of getting an available name.

3. Words in English will speed up the process

The reason for this is that since every foreign word needs to be translated to English, your process will be on hold until the translation is provided. If you still decide to go with a foreign word in your business name, please provide us the translation as soon as possible.

4. Some names require additional reviews

There are certain names that need to be physically mailed in to the Secretary of State for further review. You can find more information here.

Get started in 4 easy steps

We search across US state registries with the most recent
information available to provide accurate results.


Decide on a name

First, you’ll need to identify a strong name that’s available in Delaware.


Find a registered agent

Your registered agent must live in Delaware and be available during business hours.


File Articles of Incorporation and pay state fees

Next, you’ll need to file your application and pay the DE incorporation fee ($90 for LLCs, starts at $89 for C-Corps).


Wait for approval

From there, simply wait for the state government to approve your application! This could take weeks or months — we’ll keep you updated if you incorporate through Firstbase.

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